Kaapse Brouwers
1. Reuse cans
Turn can into a Wi-fi Booster
Cook with a beer can ((Beer butt chicken)
Tiki torch (incentives dangerous behaviour?)... or candle
2. Playing with the sticker
3. Stupid stuff
Turn can into an ashtray
Turn can into an ashtray
Turn can into a pinhole solargraphy camera (6 months exposure)
Bottoms up
Enjoying a Kaapse watching the sunset
Citrusy, punchy, flirty Kennie
Life in aluminium is fantastic
This is one of the most beer brands in Portugal.
People (consumers) started to fold the sticker as a joke to make the word suck. It became so popular that the actual brand did a sticker explaining the folds.
Hiding beers like Easter eggs
4. Interact with the consusmer
Instagram filter...your face on the can?

Board game with Kaapse design or not (game brings friends together)
recreate the picture on the can but with a beer can for example